In commemorating the National Education Day, on May 2nd 2019, Riau Provincial Government held the flag ceremony at the outdoor of Governor office. Hundreds of participants from kindergarten to the senior high school level, college students and teachers attended this celebration.
In this occasion, Governor of Riau, H. Syamsuar accompanied by the Vice Governor of Riau, H. Eddy Natar gave the honor to the outstanding students and teachers.
The students receiving the honor were Jhon Howard Wijaya from SMA Darma Yudha. He got the silver medal in the international event Junior Olympiad. Secondly, Jenika from SLBN Meranti Island Regency. She got Gold medal in Special Olympics World Games (SOWG) in Abu Dhabi.
Thirdly, Madalena, from SLBN Pelalawan. She got the honor from Governor of Riau because of her achievement in reaching Gold medal in Special Olympics World Games. Fourthly, Ardila Desti Fitriani by her achievement in getting a Bronze Medal in SOWG.
After that, the teachers receiving the honor from the Governor of Riau because of their achievements were Tri Hastuti, M.Pd, (SMAN 1 Pasir Penyu). She successfully got the Gold Medal in the competition of national Madya learning innovation. Second, Citra Arie, M.Pd (SMAN 4 Pekanbaru) for her achievement getting Gold Medal in writing competition of national non-fiction book on the national level.
The Governor of Riau said that nowadays the government attention starts to move to the development of Human Resources from the building of infrastructure. here, the education and cultural sector find their urgency.
"The development of human resources emphasizes two strengthenings, namely character education and the preparation of skilled and capable generations in facing the working world. Character building is aimed to create a good manner human being and responsible," H. Syamsuar the Governor of Riau said.
Said that the existence of Revolusi Industri 4.0 has influenced our way of life, working and learning. The development of sophisticated technology can influence the way of thinking, behave and character of students.
"Students have to have character and national identity in the fast globalization movement," H. Syamsuar said.
Sumber : Dispar Riau
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